1.5.2. Henri de Bode – Illustrated Descendancy

1.1.5.(b).11.2.2. baron William Henri Charles de Bode
° 20.6.1778 Sarrelouis (bap. 25.6.1778) église royale de St Louis à Saarlouis + 9.6.1855 from bronchitis at Albert Street 44 – Regents Park

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Eglise royale de St Louis à Saarlouis

Réfugié en Russie avec sa famille, élève-officier à Skloff, il devient général-major d’artillerie au service de la Russie après 1814 ; chevalier de plusieurs Ordres, il est créé baron russe avec ses frères le 21.12.1842 et prend le nom de André Karlovitch de Bode.

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Major General in the Russian service, baron Henry de Bode patented a capstain in June 1836 :

« This invention purports to be a new method of creating a sufficient degree of friction on the surface of the capstan, to prevent the cable, whether of hemp or chain, from slipping, when any great weight, such as an anchor, is being raised ; and, consequently, avoiding the danger and delay which such slipping of the cable would occasion. According to the ordinary construction of capstans, it is necessary to employ a number of men holding on the cable, and causing it to bind round the capstan, in order that when the capstan revolves it may drag the cable with it.

Capture d_écran 2017-07-12 à 09.28.06
This invention consists in a mode of producing the necessary degree of friction on the surface of the capstan, and of carrying the cable round with it, without the necessity of employing the hands to haul on. The Patentee says, in conclusion, having described the nature of his invention, and the cheapest and best method with which he is acquainted of carrying the same into effect, he claims, as his invention, held by Letters Patent, the holding the cable, rope, or chain, so firmly on the capstan during its rotation, that it cannot slip during the operation of weighing the anchor, or of raising heavy weights ; and further declares, that he does not confine, himself to the precise arrangement herein shown, as the same may be beneficially varied without departing from the principle of the invention ; and he also wishes it to be understood, that he claims the arrangement of the appa ratus thus described as applied both to land and sea service. (Inrolled in the Inrolment Office, December, 1836). »

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x (a) baronne Amalia von Mohrheim
x (b) baronne Julia von Holck

1.1.5.(b). baron Léon Andreïevitch de Bode
° 26.2.1815 + 14.6.1897 Toula
Lieutenant-colonel au service de la Russie, magistrat honoraire, Krapivensky County – 1876, 1879, 1882
x Elisabeth Sergueïevna Moussine-Pouchkine
+ 14.1.1887
Fille de Serge Pétrovitch (NdR n° 208) et de Catherine Dimitrievna Dourov. En 1860, elle avait 191 serfs sur 2600 ha à Yourievo, district de Krapvina. Tous deux sont enterrés en la cathédrale de « La Transfiguration » du monastère Andronikov de Moscou.

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Cathédrale de « La Transfiguration »

1.1.5.(b). baron Serge Lvovitch de Bode
° 3.5.1851 + 2.12.1901 Toula enterré à Krasnoié, district de Krapvina
En 1886-1891, député élu par la Noblesse de Krapvina (liste des élus à Toula), magistrat honoraire. Il avait en 1910 892 ha à Yourievo, district de Krapvina.
x 4.1884 princesse Olga Andreïevna Obolensky
° 26.4.1856 Moscou + 15.1.1940 Paris enterrée à Sainte Geneviève des Bois
Fille du prince André Sergueïevitch Obolensky et de Sophie Sergueïevna Orloff

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Cimetière de Sainte Geneviève des Bois

1.1.5.(b). baron Léon Lvovitch de Bode
° 4.9.1854 + 14.2.1901 enterré à Krasnoié, district de Krapvina

1.1.5.(b). baronne Elisabeth Lvovna de Bode
° 24.8.1856
x 12.3.1877 Czarkoïe Selo Alexandre von Möller
° 17.9.1848 Saint-Pétersbourg + 5.1904
Fils d’Alexander Otto von Möller (1815-1864) & Anna Prevost de Sansac, marquise de Traversay, petit-fils de Peter Ludwig von Möller (1765-1819) & Christine Caroline von Buxhoeveden ; lieutenant, au service du Ministère des Affaires Etrangères.

1.1.5.(b). Anna von Möller
° 21.1.1878 Saint-Pétersbourg

1.1.5.(b). Alexander von Möller

1.1.5.(b). Konstantin von Möller
° 24.9.1881 Aluschta (Crimée)

1.1.5.(b). baron Nicolas Lvovitch de Bode
° 1859 Toula
Officier de la Garde à Gatchina, capitaine-lieutenant en 1907, en service à la Cour de l’Impératrice Maria Feodorovna en 1912, colonel en 1914 ; cité dans l’Annuaire de Saint-Pétersbourg « Hoffmarschal, habitant au 30 – Quai des Palais » [photo ci-dessous]

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Arrêté le 30 avril 1924, condamné le 1 août 1924. Verdict : expulsé de Leningrad, privés du droit de résidence ; réhabilité : le 29 mai 1995. (Archives of VCHK-OGPU-NKVD of the USSR in Leningrad region 1A/3535.). Prosecution : « was an ardent supporter and advocate of tsarism, and now socially dangerous element that could have an impact on the worker-peasant masses » – article 58–5, 58–18 the criminal code of the RSFSR. Was brought to trial in a group of 26 priests and other « socially dangerous elements ».

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1.1.5.(b). baronne Catherine Lvovna de Bode
+ jeune

1.1.5.(b). baron André (Henri) Andreïevitch de Bode
° 1819
Officier au service de la Russie ; avait en 1860 avec ses enfants 437 serfs sur 4300 ha à Goruchi, district de Khvalynsk.
x (a) Olga Pavlovna Krasnopolsky
+ 2.6.1845 (Nécropole de Moscou)
x (b) Elisabeth Ivanovna Erchov
Fille du colonel Ivan Ivanovitch Erchov et d’une princesse Wiazemsky
x (c) Adèle Bezobrazoff
Fille de Michel Alexandrovitch, maréchal de noblesse du district de Saint-Pétersbourg.

1.1.5.(b). baron André Andreïevitch de Bode
° 1854

1.1.5.(b). baron Vladimir Andreïevitch de Bode
° 1857
Grades : officier (1877), capitaine de cavalerie (15.03.1894), colonel. Service : dans le cadre n° 1 de cavalerie de stock (1.05.1894).

1.1.5.(b). baron Léon Andreïevitch de Bode
° 1858

1.1.5.(b). baron Valerian Andreïevitch de Bode
° 19.12.1861
Service : in the 2nd leyb-Courland Uhlan regiment (25.04.1879), in the 37th Dragoon Military Order regiment (21.10.1883), in the Border guard (25.11.1888), subaltern officer of the Alexander brigade Border guards (14.12.1888), commander Dobrozhinsky and Sakskogo units of the Alexander brigade of Border guards (1889), chief officer for instructions from headquarters Khotyn brigade of Border guards (18.09.1893), commander Gredstedbro, Bednarskiego and Lipinskogo units (1894-1895), head of training command of the brigade (6.09.1897-after 1.05.1902), officer for assignments at the headquarters and head of the school for soldiers’ children brigade (7.11.1906), commander 2nd Riga Department of the border guard brigade (10.01.1908), commander of the 1st division brigade (22.12.1909), assistant commander of the 20th Khotyn brigade SACB (9.03.1911-19.07.1913), commander of the 16th Sandomierz brigade SACB (19.06.1913-after 6.12.1913), commander of the composite regiment, formed from hundreds of częstochowa and Sandomierz brigade (11.09.1914), head of 97th militia brigade (8.02.1915), the chief of the 97th brigade of the state militia (8.04.1915), enrolled in the reserve ranks at the headquarters of the Minsk military district (16.06.1916), dismissed from service for sickness from the service with uniform pension and production of major General (13.11.1917).

1.1.5.(b). baron Vladimir Valerianovitch de Bode
+ 1970 Caracas (Venezuela) buried Cementerio del Este
Cadet with his brother Andrey and his son Constantin in Yougoslavia, then joined the white army volunteers with the German army to « fight the Red ».

Capture d_écran 2017-07-12 à 10.08.39 x Nina Smiryagin
+ Carracas buried Cementerio del Este

1.1.5.(b). baronne Natalia Vladimirovna de Bode
° 10.8.1925 Osiej (Yugoslavia) – buried Cementerio del Este – Caracas

Capture d_écran 2017-07-12 à 10.08.52x (a) Nicolas Maslowski Ranov
+ 14.11.1964
x (b) Francisco Fulgencio Castellanos

1.1.5.(b). Andrés Bello Maslowski de Bode
° 1.12.1951 + 17.2.2015 London
x (div) Patrizia Barros
° 1.10.1953

1.1.5.(b). Patric Maslowski
° 26.9.1979
Capture d_écran 2017-07-12 à 10.39.58Perform routine preventative maintenance checks and services to assigned audiovisual systems, including software/firmware updates ; research parts, coordinate outside repairs, work with manufacturers, assist with phone support lines, provide technical support for sales, installation and system design staff. Balance mixer inputs, EQ rooms, and adjust delay channels as necessary to optimize audio system performance. Test and troubleshoot Crestron, AMX, and other IP-based control systems.

1.1.5.(b). Andrés Nicolas Maslowski
° 4.8.1981

1.1.5.(b). Nicole Maslowski
° 19.11.1982
Capture d_écran 2017-07-12 à 09.05.52Designer and owner of Maslo jewelry and just an all-together inspiring woman ; Maslo Jewelry is a product line focused on creating simple, but statement pieces of jewelry. Nicole Maslowski founded the brand in 2003 after finishing her studies in Graphic Design and realizing she wanted to work with her hands to create something tangible. Each offering from the collection results from willful restraint and purposeful intent, born from an attraction to minimal style and simple, classic design.

1.1.5.(b). Santiago (Maslowski)
° 18.7.2007

1.1.5.(b). Sebastian (Maslowski)
° 14.9.2009

1.1.5.(b). Eugenio Maslowski de Bode
Capture d_écran 2017-07-12 à 10.09.07° 1.5.1954 Caracas (Venezuela)
US and European Citizenship & 13 years, resident of Miami, Florida. Fluent in English, Spanish and Russian. He and his family have lived in Venezuela and the former Soviet Union prior to moving to the US. Family : 4 children : Nicolas, Alexander, Maria Fernanda, Victoria Eugenia and 4 grandchildren : Jack, Thomas, Benjamin & Vera. Professional : an energetic powerhouse, this chemical engineer has years of experience working with multinationals and high net worth clients, which also developed and combines his strategic and tactic thinking. He is a natural Entrepreneur.
He is passionate about his job. Creative and with an engaging personality, Maslowski addresses issues with a keen mind and a very positive, contagious attitude. He is an active fundraiser for the Miami Symphony Orchestra.
x (a) Gladys Olivares Gonzalez
° 5.1.1954
x (b) Elba Uzcategui Tovar
° 11.9.1955

1.1.5.(b). Nicolas Eugenio Maslowski
° 9.12.1978
x Carolina Nava

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Nicolas et Carolina Maslowski avec leurs enfants Tomas et Vera

1.1.5.(b). Tomas Enrique Maslowski

1.1.5.(b). Vera Maslowski 

1.1.5.(b). Alexander Enrique Maslowski
° 1.6.1981
x Amy Maslowski

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Alexander et Amy Maslowski avec leurs enfants Jack et Benjamin

1.1.5.(b). Jack Maslowski

1.1.5.(b). Benjamin Maslowski

1.1.5.(b). María Fernanda Maslowski
° 20.12.1984

1.1.5.(b). Victoria Eugenia Maslowski
° 29.12.1994

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María et Victoria Maslowski

1.1.5.(b). baron Constantin Vladimirovitch de Bode
+ ca 1970’s buried Cementerio del Este – Caracas
Cadet with his father Vladimir and his uncle Andrey in Yugoslavia, then joined the white army volunteers with the German army to fight the « Red ». He was Lt and received the Iron Cross [illustration ci-dessous].

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x Olga Pavlovna Zavadsky
Met in Yugoslavia and again in Venezuela where they married

1.1.5.(b). Boris Constantinovitch de Bode
° 4.4.1959 San Cristobal (Venezuela)
x Ruth Noemi Robletto
° 29.1.1961 Managua (Nicaragua)

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left : « grand-mother Nina Smeryagin, mother Olga Pavlovna Zavadsky and father Constantin Vladimirovitch, brother Oleg Constantinovitch and me Boris Constantinovitch  – droite : father Constantin Vladimirovitch, brother Oleg Constantinovitch and me Boris »

1.1.5.(b). Nikolaï Borissovitch de Bode
° 1.8.1986 Hayward (CA)

1.1.5.(b). Katerina Borissovna de Bode
° 2.6.1988 Hayward (CA)

1.1.5.(b). Natalie Borissovna de Bode
° 12.12.1992 Santa Rosa (CA)

1.1.5.(b). Oleg Constantinovitch de Bode
° 26.10.1957 San Cristobal (Venezuela)
x Stella NN

1.1.5.(b). baron Andrey Valerianovitch de Bode
+ 20.8.1954 Rubia (Venezuela)
He graduated from Kiev flying school in 1916 and Sevastopol air school in 1917. vlassovCaptain of the 16th Hussars, commander of the 6th Siberian KAO. In February-March 1919, the chief of aviation courses. The Russian Army 4th Cavalry Regiment before the evacuation of the Crimea. Emigration party monarchist movement. He served in the Russian Corps. Cadet with his brother and Vladimir’s son Constantin in Yougoslavia, then joined the white army volunteers with the German army to « fight the Red ». The Russian Liberation Army (also known as the Vlasov army) was a group of predominantly Russian forces that fought under German command during World War II. The army was led by Andrey Vlasov [photo ci-contre], a defected Red Army general, and members of the army are often referred to as Vlasovtsy.

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Les trois barons de Bode (cfr texte russe ci-dessous)

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1.1.5.(b). baron Nicolas Andreïevitch de Bode
° 28.11.1860 + 11.9.1924 Osijek (Yougoslavie)
Capture d_écran 2017-07-12 à 10.11.18Participe à la guerre russo-japonaise de 1904-1905 et à la Guerre mondiale 1914-1918. En 1882, il est diplômé de la 1ère catégorie de la 2e école de Konstantinovskoe militaire. Elève-officier enseignant à l’école Simbirsk (1891-1900). Sert dans le 14ème Infantry Regiment Olonetsky, 82e régiment d’infanterie Daghestan (1901), dans le 84e régiment d’infanterie de Chirvan (1905), 148e régiment d’infanterie Caspian (1903 -1907), commandant du régiment d’infanterie de la 95e Krasnoyarsk (1907-1912). Lieutenant (1882), lieutenant (1886), capitaine (1891), capitaine (1894), lieutenant-colonel (1897), colonel, « pour l’excellence dans le service » (1905), major-général (1912), lieutenant-général (1916 ), commandant de la 1ère brigade, la 3ème division d’infanterie Guards (10/07/1914) commandant de la 57e division d’infanterie (1915-1916).
[illustration : le général-major von Bode, blessé par une bombe lancée d’un Zeppelin]

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Commandant du Régiment Peterbourgski du 30.5.1912 au 7.10.1914, placé sous le commandement d’honneur de l’empereur d’Allemagne Guillaume II jusqu’au 1.8.1914.

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Le baron Nicolas de Bode (assis), commandant du Régiment Peterbourgski de la Garde


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x Sofia Mikhailovna NN
Chevalier Ordre : Saint-Stanislas 3ème degré (1896), Sainte-Anne 3ème degré (1903), Saint-Stanislas 2e classe à l’épée (1905), St. George 4ème degré « de la différence dans la bataille avec les Japonais avec 13e au 22e Février 1905 (1906), Sainte-Anne 2e degré (1907), Saint-Vladimir 3ème degré (1908), Saint-Stanislas 1er degré (1913).
« Notre bon baron Bode » … écrit le tsar Nicolas II sur la première page du cahier n° 51 de son Journal, l’ultime cahier qu’il tiendra à jour jusqu’à l’avant-veille de son exécution … (cfr « La fin des Romanov » de Victor Alexandrov – 1968).

1.1.5.(b). baronne Sophia Nicolaïevna de Bode
° 1897 + 13.3.1918 Krasnodar
Capture d_écran 2017-07-12 à 10.11.53Called « the White Walkyrie » ; one of the first female officers of the Russian army, from the first days of the October revolution took part in the armed struggle with the Bolsheviks in Moscow, then the Don. She was killed during the first assault of Ekaterinodar. Graduate of the Smolny Institute for noble maidens (1914). In 1917 she went to serve in the women’s shock battalion, then attended officer courses at Alexander College. After the graduation, promoted to the rank of ensign. She commanded a detachment of the cadets during the October fighting in Moscow was wounded in the leg at Nikitsky gate during the fighting with the Bolsheviks. Sofia de Bode indeed during the life became a legend of the White army. Among the Russian patriots who wanted to fight for Russia in the First World War and had 25 women who were cadets Alexander’s military School. But fate would have it, that, having completed School in 1917, the young praporschitsy were not on the front, and in the thick of the bloodiest battles in the streets of Moscow during the October Revolution 1917 year.

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Among them was also baroness Sofia de Bode — the only female warrant officers, which has appeared in the cavalry.
In August 2008 on the TV channel « TVC », took place the premiere of the documentary « The Baroness de Bode – the legend of the White army », which aroused great interest of the audience.

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Video sur YouTube – voir de 00’00″ » à 00’27 » : Баронесса де Боде

« Daughter of a Russian general, brought up in a military environment, she was not posing as an officer, and learned for herself all military techniques naturally as if she were a man …  » – from the memoirs of the Chairman of the State Duma Nikolay Lvov. « Young, beautiful woman with a round face and round blue eyes in her military uniform ensign looked and dressed up with a thin little boy. »

1.1.5.(b). baronne Agustine (?) Nicolaïevna de Bode

1.1.5.(b). baronne Barbe Andreïevna de Bode
x (son cousin) Ilya Andreïevitch Boratinsky [= 1.1.5.(b).]
° 7.6.1852 + 1911 [illustration ci-contre]
Fils d’André Illitch et de la baronne Hélène Lvovna de Bode, propriétaire de 1258 ha à Ilyinovka, district de Kirsanov. Après avoir navigué pendant quatre ans dans des pays lointains, il fut promu enseigne de marine ; lieutenant de marine en retraite ; il hérita de son père d’un tiers d’Iliinovka, district de Kirsanov et acquit un tiers de son frère. En 1897, il avait des terres dans le district de Saranks ; en 1900, il avait 1.258 ha à Iliinovka.

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1.1.5.(b). Alexandra Illievna Boratinsky [= 1.1.5.(b).]

1.1.5.(b). Nicolas Illitch Boratinsky [= 1.1.5.(b).]

1.1.5.(b). Hélène Illievna Boratinsky [=1.1.5.(b).]

1.1.5.(b). Elisabeth Illievna Boratinsky [= 1.1.5.(b).]
+ after 1916

1.1.5.(b). Marguerite Illievna Boratinsky [= 1.1.5.(b).]
+ after 1916
Professeure de français dans un lycée de filles. Résidence : House Govorova, Livny, district de Livensky, région d’Orel.

1.1.5.(b). Nathalie Illievna Boratinsky [= 1.1.5.(b).].

1.1.5.(b). Lydia Illievna Boratinsky [= 1.1.5.(b).]
+ after 1916

1.1.5.(b). Anna Illievna Boratinsky [= 1.1.5.(b).]
+ after 1916
Sources : Memorial Book and Address-Calendar of the Orel province, 1916

1.1.5.(b). Marie Illievna Boratinsky [= 1.1.5.(b).]

1.1.5.(b). Barbara Illievna Boratinsky [= 1.1.5.(b).]

1.1.5.(b). baronne Alexandrine Andreïevna de Bode
x Kouzmine

1.1.5.(b). baronne Clémentine Andreïevna de Bode
° 1803/4 + 1846

1.1.5.(b). baronne Youlia Andreïevna de Bode

1.1.5.(b).11.2.3. baronne Camilla Henrietta Julia de Bode
29.6.1828 Great Portland Street n° 31 + 2.7.1830
« daughter of Major General Baron Henri de Bode and Julia his wife ».

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